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I don't really know why I'm back here or for that matter what has kept me away for so long. It hasn't felt like 6 years but apparently it is.  A lot has change but so much remains the same.  Isn't that life? My littles aren't so little anymore. My beloved grandmother went to be with the Lord last year.  And as a family we are going through the toughest trials BUT God. It's hard to think that God has planned these days and events before the foundations of the Earth were laid. And that gives me comfort.  Because if He has planned out all of these days and knew that they would be filled with sadness and pain He has also planned out days full of hope! Yes hope.  You see, because my God is a promise keeper.

He has promised me hope.  

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah

I have never been more sure of His promises as I am now. Maybe you're struggling right
now. I don't claim to understand what your struggle is ( I can barely
understand my own some days). Have hope. It's been promised to you. Pain may
endure for a night but Joy comes in the morning. Every breath we breath is a
new opportunity to choose joy. I hope that as you breath in everything around
you choose joy. Today is a new day.


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