What started out as an innocent day of yarn organizing turned into an explosion of African Flowers . I had come to the sad realization that until I used up all of my yarn I would not allow myself to purchase any more yarn, I came to the same conclusion with my kitchen pantry. So I thought about what I could do with all of these different yarns, each one was purchased to make a different project that I probably started and took apart or just didn't finish, I'm a closet starter non-finisher. There. Now that is out in the open. So I thought about what to make and thought these colors would all look great together on a blanket. But I needed something that would be instant gratification because I had the itch to make something. So I went to my trusty Pinterest board and got to lookin'. First pin on my board was an African Flower baby blanket. I thought, this could be fun. I would be trying a new pattern and it could be don...