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Beauty from ashes

So I finally made it.  After much trepidation, I have decided to join the blogosphere (which according to my auto correct is not a word).  So why blog? And why "From gold hoops to chicken coops"? Because this is my journey through this chaotic fast paced world of my generation.  From literally wearing gold hoops and figuratively jumping through hoops; to slowing down, stopping to smell the roses; looking up at the clouds and enjoying the splendor of the Lord and strangely enough wanting to build chicken coops.

This is my testimony, my life, one I want to share, one my children will be proud of. This is to show that God's grace is enough and that He can make beauty from ashes.

I hope you'll join me as I walk, sometimes skip and on occasion walk a tight-rope or climb a mountain with no harness, through this life that God has given me. It is only through Him that I have the blessings that I have.

S. Vanessa

Isaiah 61:3

"and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
   instead of ashes,
the oil of joy
   instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
   instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
   a planting of the LORD
   for the display of his splendor."


  1. Don't be scared.... you'll be up and running in no time!!

  2. Yeahhhh! Welcome S.Vanessa to the blog world!

  3. Congratulations! I love it already!

  4. Yay! Can't wait to follow your journey. Even if chickens gross me out ;)

  5. Lol. Love it. Please come back!!


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