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52 Weeks of Joy, Week 2

I look forward to writing about the joys of the week.  It helps me to keep a look out for the good as opposed to bad.  There are so many things to be joyful about, if we could just keep our eyes and hearts open to it. I hope you are able to keep count of the joys in your life.

7. A loving husband
8. Lunch with an honest and loving friend
9. The end of colored rice (pa'la basura)
10. My little yarn club
11. A media free day and brothers playing together
12. Macarons
13. The return of Downton Abby
14. A loving family who give my children crazy gifts

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials,
knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.”

- James 1:2-3


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