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Peace for the Seeker

I read something on Facebook that really upset me today.  So much so that I was ready to pack my family up and move to a cabin in Montana.  You know it was serious because I hate the cold. I started to get myself all riled up when a song popped into my head...

I lift up my eyes to the heavens Cause I know where my help comes from
I will set my mind upon You, Jesus
My Savior, God's only Son
There is peace for the seeker
Blessed hope from the Lord
There is love without measure
For all who trust in the Lord 

Praise God for that song because it immediately took me out of that doom and gloom cloud I was just about to pitch my tent in.   My heart then began to ache for all those who don't have this Peace.  This free gift from God.  Something so easily attainable.  "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."~ John 14:27

Without peace, people live in fear, some turn to fanaticism.   Fear leads to tyranny, whether social or spiritual.  When I watch the news or read the paper or just speak to friends, I'm easily sucked into the anxiety that this world lives in...war, guns, death, famine.  Then I'm reminded of Jesus' Words... "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come."~ Matthew 24:6   I am once again reminded to be at peace. 

I think of all the things that I "think" bring me peace, a long run on a beautiful day or a quiet house with no fighting children.  And when I think of those things, I'm reminded that those are all just "moments" of peace, worldly peace.  In a while the children will be fighting, there won't be enough money and I'm back to eating ice cream straight out of the gallon.  But the gift of peace is constant.  When the children are yelling I ask the Lord to fill me with His peace.  When money runs out I'm reminded that He is the great provider.  When I'm eating the ice cream I say "thanks for that." Whether I chose to accept His precious gift is a whole other story. 

If you're in a place today, full of anxiety, hopelessness or fear, my prayer is that you lift your eyes up to heaven, because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.


  1. Even in that cabin in the woods there are things to fear, so awesome that the Prince of Peace is always with us. Great reminder, Vanessa.


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